Seismic Data Processing
Quality control
PG-Serv can provide quality control services for land seismic operations. Our seismic consultants have extensive experience in 2D and 3D acquisition operations with various energy sources on land. The QC system is designed to validate qeomerty of the collected data. This process provide us an easy and cost effective solution for the problems at the acquisition phase. So that becomes, client can rely on the integrity of the seismic data and position of the data from early steps of the processing flow. This is paramount for quality control of 2D and 3D seismic surveys.
2D and 3D Seismic Data Processing
- 2D/3D land and off shore data processing of oil and gas projects
- 2D/3D pre‐stack time migration (PSTM) process.
- Quality Improving Process for Low Signal / Noise Areas
- High Resolution Seismic Data Processing