About Petroleum Geophysical Services
PG-Serv provides land seismic data acquisition services in the MENA. Based on internal needs, market and clients' demand, PG-Serv has flexibility to provide services for each projects. PG-Serv works with a fleet of 2D/3D seismic crew around the MENA and endeavors to offer the latest technology. The company's business model proposes optimal acquisition technology for geological challenges in each area.
Petroleum Geophysical Services Ltd
PG-Serv LTD. is a joint venture of Guney Yildizi Petrol Uretim, Sondaj Muteahhitlik ve Ticaret A.S. (GYP) and Petoil Petroleum and Petroleum Products International Exploration and Production, Inc.
Guney Yildizi Petrol Uretim, Sondaj Muteahhitlik ve Ticaret A.S. (GYP) is a wholly owned, vertically integrated independent oil and gas company. Together with the other sister companies within the group, GYP has more than 50+ years of industry experience. This history along with the dynamic and entrepreneurial talents of the organization has enabled GYP to rapidly expand both here and abroad, to become one of the country’s leading oil and gas exploration, drilling and production and oil services companies. With more than 1,000 employees, operating in five countries on three continents, GYP is committed to building a premium gas and oil company with a reputation for excellence in execution.
Petoil Petroleum and Petroleum Products International Exploration and Production, Inc. is an independent petroleum exploration and production company that, directly or indirectly via seperate companies. Currently holds exploration and production assets in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Established in 1990, the company has a long history of pioneering in regions and countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. Petoil was the first private oil company to enter Azerbaijan in 1992 and Kurdistan Region of Iraq in 2002. It also operated in Kazakhstan, Yemen and Turkey.